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歡迎各位新註冊的編者一同加入Reko Wiki的Discord群組一同討論


  • 當年在K島突然爆紅的網路精靈,以猜測人物的準度之高讓人印象深刻
  • 實際上是由題庫中抽出十五題至二十題甚至是四十題不等來問,並從回答者的答案中搜尋正確答案。
  • 不只能猜ACG相關的人物,名人甚至機器人也可以;若是被考倒也可以幫忙新增資料。
    • 意指會出現衰小臉、黑臉人甚至出現yes這三個大字
  • 曾在TSJ風波被用來刷特定答案


  • 網址:http://en.akinator.com/
  • 進去後直接點「Play」
  • 輸入你的名字(your username)、年齡(your age[1] )和性別
  • 如果呈現出「忙線中」的訊息,請按一次左側選單的Play重新試試看(不用重新輸入)
  • 如果出現的是「Question N1」,請依照你的想法開始回答。
  • 問題選項中翻:
    • Yes(很肯定是的)
    • Probably,Partially(可能是或者是部份正確)
    • I Don't Know(我不知道)
    • Probably Not,Not Really(可能不是或者是有很大一部份不是這樣)
    • No(很肯定不是)
  • 當你玩了幾題(可能是十五題左右)時,他會出現一個畫面
    • 畫面下方有「Yes」、「No」或者是「More Question」,如果你的人物已經出來了,直接點Yes,如果還沒出來可以再按More Question試試看,最多只能按兩次。
    • 按下Yes後,可以再按Detail去看Akinator的猜測標準
    • 按下No的話他會請你輸入正確答案,會有一串列表給你選擇,也可以在下面輸入角色名稱,格式是「角色名 (作品名稱或職位)」





  • Is your character a bodybuilder?
  • Is your character a child?
  • Is your character a ninja?
  • Is your character a teenager?
  • Is your character a robot?
  • Is your character a High School student?
  • Is your character a princess?
  • Is your character an animal?
  • Is your character black-haired?
  • Is your character bad?
  • Is your character famous?
  • Is your character from Kyoto Animation?
  • Is your character in love with a man?
  • Is your character from an anime (Japanese animation)?
  • Is your character linked with cars?
  • Is your character linked with the color red?
  • Is your character linked with sports?
  • Is your character linked with magic?
  • Is your character linked with cooking?
  • Is your character pink-haired?
  • Is your character real?
  • Is your character rich?
  • Is your character the president of a football club?
  • Is your character clever?
  • Is your character a singer, or does he work with a singer (as a songwriter, producer, musician...)?
  • Can your character speak Portuguese?
  • Does your character wear a hat (cap, crown,...)?
  • Does your character go to school?
  • Does your character have small breasts?
  • Does your character have long hair?
  • Does your character have magical powers?
  • Does your character have a great artistic skill?
  • Does your character live in his homeland?
  • Does your character live in water?
  • Does your character have Armenian origins?
  • Does your character fight?
  • Does your character fight with a sword?
  • Does your character ride a giant robot?
  • Does your character have hair?
  • Does your character speak?
  • Does your character have a great artistic skill?
  • Does your character appear in a game from Konami?
  • Does your character live with his mother?
  • Does your character live with its father?
  • Does your character have brown hair?
  • Does your character have a high IQ?
  • Does your character have a sister?
  • Does your character have long hair?
  • Has your character appeared in comics?


  1. 千萬不要以為那是輸密碼的地方!有些人真的不小心幹過......