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Major Zero/Cipher


  • 潛龍諜影系列
    • Snake Eater
    • Portable Ops
    • Guns of Patriots
    • 間接:Peace Walker
    • 間接:Ground Zero
    • 間接:The Phantom Pain


  • 本名:David Oh
  • 出生地:英國普茲茅斯
  • 年紀:1909-2014(105歲)
  • 身高:184cm (1964年)
  • 體重:78.9kg (1964年)
  • CV:
    • 日語:
    • 英語:
      • Jim Piddock (MGS3, MPO)
      • 不明 (MGS4)
      • Time Winters (TPP)


    • Zero曾於英國陸軍特種空勤隊(SAS)服役,在此期間結識The Boss。Oh later met and recruited a Hungarian assassin into the SAS after the latter defected from the Soviet Union. Impressed with the Hungarian's skills as an assassin and military tactician, Oh quickly promoted the assassin to his Executive Officer.
    • 之後加入美國中情局(CIA)。
      • 熱愛紅茶,對咖啡嗤之以鼻並稱之為「泥巴水」。
      • 同時還是個重度007迷,只要一提到007話匣子就會打開,然後聊007聊上一個多小時跑不掉(Para-medic證言)。
      • 此外他還偷偷在CIA內成立了「UMA(未確認生物)探求俱樂部」。
    • 1960年代,In September 1962, Zero helped Dr. Nikolai Sokolov and his family defect from the Soviet Union to America, but was forced to allow Sokolov to be taken back due to a secret deal made between the two superpowers during the Cuban Missile Crisis. 提議CIA於旗下創設「以單人執行機密任務」為宗旨的特殊部隊「Force Operation X(FOX)」。However, Zero's own reasons for FOX's creation were to prepare himself for a second attempt at recovering Sokolov.
      • Zero later promoted his tactician assassin as the commander of a covert support unit he had secretly created as an insurance policy for FOX's success. Members of the unit were tasked with providing tactical support and field intel to FOX operatives in a covert manner. Its overall purpose was to ensure the survival of FOX operatives during missions. Any information regarding Zero's shadow group was highly classified to the point that even The Boss and the CIA were unaware of the group's existence, presumably resulting in his tactician assassin harboring a deep-seated hatred for both him.
      • Official proof of innocence involving the United States needed to be presented if a full-scale nuclear war was to be prevented, thus the American Government had proposed a follow-up mission to Zero with the main objectives being the assassination of both Colonel Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin, the leader of the rogue GRU faction which intended to use the Shagohod, and The Boss. In return, the Government would revoke the charges of any and all involvement in The Boss's defection against FOX, under the condition of accepting. Zero also implied that he had been placed in the same situation as Jack: If they rejected or failed the mission, not only would FOX be disqualified as an official unit, but they may also be executed.
      • FOX直至1964年食蛇者作戰結束後方為上頭所承認。
    • 1971年與「食蛇者作戰」當時的FOX成員以及Eva、Ocelot共同組成「愛國者們」,以實現The Boss「世界統合」的遺願。
      • 然而Zero所希望的世界統合卻是「將全世界加以控管」,與Big Boss的理念背道而馳。Zero quickly put Cipher to work in using its influence to disseminate stories that would elevate Big Boss's legend and give the private network the icon needed that could aid them in controlling the masses. Some of these stories were true and some were heavily embellished and some were outright fabrications, causing Big Boss to resent playing the role of Zero's icon and likely saw similarities to the way The Boss had been used by the American Philosophers.
      • Zero為了留住相當於「愛國者們」聖像(icon)存在的Big Boss,而在隔年推動「令人恐懼之子計畫」,做出兩個Big Boss的複製人,結果反造成Big Boss憤而出走。
    • At some point, he also took in an orphan, providing food and a place to live.
    • 1974年派遣Paz和Galvez,透過Miller與Big Boss的「無國界軍隊」接觸,促使其介入CIA中美分局長Hot Coldman在哥斯大黎加/尼加拉瓜準備進行的Peace Walker實驗。同時也arranged a secret business proposition透過Miller提供資源給「無國界軍隊」,間接壯大其勢力。
      • 直至「無國界軍隊」開發出「Metal Gear ZEKE」後,Zero便下達指示要身在「無國界軍隊」裡的Paz啟動ZEKE,威脅Big Boss threatening to frame the MSF for launching a nuclear warhead at the United States if he refused及「無國界軍隊」為其效力,好為Zero接下來的「控管全球電子諜報+軍火」鋪路,但最後未能如願。
    • 根據Skull Face所言,Zero自1974年的Peace Walker事件以來便銷聲匿跡,總是透過他人來傳達訊息,而Paz則是在這期間唯一見過Zero本人的人。
    • 1976年被(Via Paz)得知其所在地的Skull Face以寄生蟲生化暗殺重創了腦部,於病情日趨嚴重前前往賽普勒斯探視昏迷中的Big Boss,並與Ocelot共同研擬製造Big Boss替身的計劃以引開Skull Face注意。變成植物人後「愛國者們」則由Strangelove協助研發的代理AI接管。
    • 1999年「愛國者們」回收了重傷的Big Boss,此時的Zero陷入重度的無法信任他人,於是將「愛國者們」的運營交給研發完成的五大代理AI管理。Big Boss則被注射奈米機械強制其成為假死狀態保存。
    • 2014年時已是生活無法自理,須靠輪椅及生命維持裝置方可存活的狀態。在「愛國者們」被摧毀後不久,即被蘇醒的Big Boss帶到The Boss墳前,最後生命維持裝置被Big Boss關閉,就此離開人世。



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