家中某些長輩在其他家人面前表示對你的不贊同,你會? Family elders are expressing disapproval of you to the rest of the family. Do you:
接受指教並改弦易轍 Accept the criticism and change your ways
嘗試與長輩達成共識 Seek a compromise with the elders
無視他們的輕蔑並汙名化那些長輩 Besmirch the reputation of the elders as you ignore their scorn
盡一切手段讓長輩們閉嘴 Silence the elders any way you can
在家人急需救助的時候,你是否願意放棄你的大好前程來幫助他們? Would you give up a promising career to aid the family in time of need?
想都不用想就說好 In a heartbeat
當然,但還是會有點不甘願 Yes, with some reluctance
除非我確定我能在不久之後重回職場 Only if I was certain I'd be able to return to my career soon
不要 No
你是否會為了事業進展而背叛家人? Would you betray a family member to advance your own career?
當然,而且毫無罪惡感 Yes, without a twinge of guilt
當然,只要我能不被發現 Yes, if I could do it secretly
我會嘗試抵抗這種誘惑 I'd resist the temptation
我覺得這個主意本身就叫人憎惡 I find the very idea abhorrent
你是否尊敬家族中的領袖? Do you respect the leaders of your family?
他們的金玉良言指導著我的一舉一動 Their words guide my actions
他們是我的楷模 They're role models for me
他們常和我的人生脫節 They're often out of touch with my life
他們根本就和現實脫節 They're out of touch with reality
如果你的家族幫你安排了一場婚姻,對象卻令人作嘔,你會? If your family had arranged your marriage to someone loathsome, would you:
熬過去,服務家族乃是我的榮耀 Go through with it, proud to serve your family
同意,把你的不滿埋入心底 Agree, hiding your reluctance
私下動手腳破壞聯姻 Subtly work against the union
落跑 Flee
你跟某位家族成員素有嫌隙。當他將死之際,他希望與你和解。你會? You're estranged from a family member. On his deathbed, he seeks reconciliation. Do you:
和他聊聊,但堅守你的立場 Speak to him, but hold your ground
拒絕和他對話 Refuse to speak to him
毫無舊怨地討論你們之間的分歧 Discuss your estrangement openly and without rancor
主動尋求和解,並細心聆聽他的遺言 Actively seek reconciliation, and heed his dying words
與朋友的關係 Relationship to Friends
一個有權有勢但卻腐敗的法官要用錢財讓你作對你朋友不利的證。你會? A powerful but corrupt judge offers you wealth if you'll testify against a friend. Do you:
收錢並陷友於不義 Condemn your friend and take the money
收錢並作證,但盡可能讓你的證詞沒有效力 Take the money and testify, but try to keep your testimony ineffective
拒絕收錢和作證 Refuse the offer and refuse to testify
為你的朋友作證,無懼於結果 Testify on your friend's behalf, no matter the consequences
你會容易跟朋友很親近,或是與當中大多數人保持距離? Do you become close to friends, or hold most people at a safe distance?
我有不少死黨 I have an abundance of close friends
我有一些死黨 I have some close friends
我有一兩個死黨 I have few close friends
我試著疏遠他人 I try to keep people at a distance
你有背叛過朋友嗎? Have you ever betrayed a friend?
我做過不只一次,而且我總能逃過後果 I've done so more than once, and I sometimes get away with it
我做過一次 I've done so once
我曾受過如此的誘惑,但總是下不了手 I've been tempted to do so, but I've never gone through with it
我從沒想過要幹這種事 I'd never contemplate such a thing
你如何看待與一位愛侶廝守一生這種事? How do you view lifelong commitment to a single romantic partner?
我總在盼著這種戀情 I'm waiting to find such a romance
這種戀愛很理想--如果有可能實現的話啦 Such a romance would be ideal -- if it's achievable
我擔心我會因此錯過其他的豔遇 I worry I'd miss out on what others have to offer
把自己跟另一個人死綁著?大錯特錯啊 Tie yourself to one person? Huge mistake
你會堅持要朋友還錢嗎? Do you insist on repayment when lending money to friends?
是的,而且為了避免誤會我還會寫借據 Yes, and I write up a contract so there's no misunderstanding
是的,但我會試著讓條件彈性化 Yes, but I try to be flexible about the exact terms
不會,但如果能還當然是最好 No, although it's sure nice to be repaid
不會,他們欠我的是人情 No, they just owe me a favor
你跟兒時朋友還有聯繫嗎? Are you still in touch with childhood friends?
有,而且我們時常聯繫 Yes, we correspond regularly
有,我們試著保持聯繫 Yes, we try to keep in touch
沒有,我太漂泊不定了 No, I move around too much
沒有,我跟他們已經毫無相似之處了 No, I don't have anything in common with them anymore
與社區的關係Relationship to Community
你會為了地方社區投入時間金錢嗎? Do you donate time and money to improve the local community?
當然,社區所欲常在我心 Yes, the needs of the community are my top priority
會的,只要我自己的需求能滿足我就會盡可能地奉獻 Yes, I donate as much as I can once my own needs are met
沒有,我沒錢也沒閒 No, I don't have enough time or money to spare
沒有,我的社區只會浪費我的金錢與時間 No, my local community would be a waste of time and money
你的社區面臨了被入侵的威脅。你會? Your community is threatened with invasion. Do you:
協助防禦,奮戰至死 Help defend it to your last breath
幫其他人搭建防線 Man the barricades with the rest of the community
情況不對就溜掉 Flee as soon as things look grim
與入侵者達成協議並當他們的間諜 Cut a deal with the invaders to act as a spy
如果你受了傷並需要緊急救助,你社區的人會幫助你嗎? If you were injured and required immediate assistance, would members of your home community agree to help?
會的,因為他們知道我也會為了他們做一樣的事 Yes, because they know I'd do the same for them
會的,因為我還蠻受歡迎的 Yes, because I'm generally well liked
大概不會,因為我不受當權者的信任 Probably not, because I'm distrusted by the powers that be
絕對不會,我在這裡樹立了好些敵人 Definitely not. I've made some enemies here
你尊重社區的法律和執法當局嗎? Do you respect the laws and authorities in the community?
是的,毫無疑問 Yes, without question
是的,他們大體上來說治理的不壞 Yes, they're generally the best way to govern
當它適合我的時候--有些規定我實在不能苟同 When it suits me -- there are some laws I just don't agree with
我對搞執法的不感興趣,他們限制不了我 I don't pay attention to the authorities; they've got no hold on me
社區中人是否會害怕、躲避或嘲弄你?Do members of the community shun, avoid, or mock you?
當然,他們的小腦袋接受不了任何不正常的事 Yes, their small minds can't handle anyone outside the norm
有些人吧,畢竟我不總是能夠打成一片 Some do, because I don't always fit in
不會,我被當成是正常人 No, I'm generally seen as normal
不會,在鄉里中何謂正常是由我來定義的 No, I set the standard for what is normal in my community
你是否會代表社區的利益而在公眾前發聲或從政? Would you stand for office or seek to represent the interests of the community in some public manner?
這是我的榮幸,我會快樂地接受 To do so would be an honor I'd joyously accept
當然,這是每個人的責任 Of course. It's everyone's duty to do so
除非沒有別的人選可以做這件事 Only if no one else could handle the job
不,我不想為了社區的福利負責 No, I don't want to be responsible for the community's welfare
與王室和國家的關係 Relationship to King and Country
你的國家受飢荒侵襲,你會? Your country is wracked with famine. Would you:
與大家分享你擁有的食物 Share what food you had with others
自己盡可能的節食,剩下的拿去分享 Eat as little as possible yourself, and share the rest
為自己的生存而去偷食物 Steal what food you needed to survive
盡可能地大偷特偷食物,然後再用高價賣出 Steal as much food as possible, then sell it back to the community at a high price
如果有足夠的報酬,你會在你的國王杯中下毒嗎? If offered enough money, would you slip a poison into your king's drink?
會的,而且我以前就幹過類似的事 Yes, and I've done similar things before
會的,只要我認為我不會被抓到 Yes, if I thought I could get away with it
不會,雖說這麼一大筆錢確實誘人 No, although a vast sum of money would tempt me
不會,我還會向國王警告這個陰謀 No, and I'd warn the king of the plot
一場瘟疫橫掃全國,你會? A plague is sweeping across your country. Would you:
接下尋找解藥的艱辛任務 Undertake a dangerous mission to find a cure
盡你所能醫治病人 Heal the sick as best you can
迴避病人 Avoid contact with the sick
逃出國家 Flee the country
你是否尊敬本國的法律當局以及統治者? Do you respect the lawful authority of the rulers of the land?
是的,女王萬歲! Yes. Long live the queen!
是的,我們的統治者大體上來說公平且公正 Yes, our rulers are generally fair and just
不,統治者並不比任何人更好 No, a ruler is no better than anyone else
不,統治者注定被權力腐化 No, rulers are invariably corrupted by power
如果一個合理且有利的交易擺在你眼前,你是否會為了敵國當間諜? If you were offered a reasonably lucrative deal, would you spy for a hostile foreign power?
會的,因為我的國家不會因為這點小事而被擊垮 Yes, because my nation could stand to be knocked down a peg
會的,國家機密對我來說沒什麼意義 Yes, because my nation's secrets mean little to me
不會,因為我可能會被逮到 No, because I might get caught
不會,因為我絕不會背叛國家對我的信任 No, because I'd never violate the trust my nation put in me
你是否會在契約或產權上仰仗國家執法?Do you rely on the government to enforce contracts and property rights?
會的,因為維持法治比任何私人糾紛都來的重要 Yes, because maintaining the rule of law is more important than any individual dispute
會的,因為法庭最適合仲裁此等糾紛 Yes, because the courts are best equipped to handle such disputes
你開什麼玩笑?國家連路都鋪不好呢 Are you kidding me? The government can't even pave roads
絕不。如果我連自己的東西都自保不了,那我就不該擁有它 Absolutely not. If I can't defend it myself, I don't deserve to have it
關於犯罪以及懲罰 Thoughts on Crime and Punishment
如果入獄了,你是否會為了逃獄傷害或殺害他人? If imprisoned, would you injure or kill others to escape?
當然,誰叫他們把我關起來呢? Yes. Serves 'em right for locking me up
當然,他們幹這行就知道有這種風險了 Yes. They knew the risks when they took the job
不會,除非只是些能很快痊癒的小傷 No, except for minor wounds that will heal easily
不會,那些守衛只是在盡自己的職責而已 No. Those guards are just doing their jobs
你是否接受一個貴族有權苛待自己土地上的農奴?Do you accept a noble's right to treat badly the serfs who work on his land?
會的,他們不是奴隸就已經夠幸運了 Yes. They're lucky they're not slaves
會的,因為有時恐懼能夠激勵他們 Yes, because sometimes only fear will motivate them
不能,貴族應該盡可能的實行仁治 No, nobles should rule as kindly as possible
沒有任何人「有權」苛待別人,沒有任何人 No one has any "right" to treat another badly. Period
你不小心犯罪了,你會? You have accidentally committed a crime. Do you:
自首,並盡可能補償受害人 Confess, and attempt to make restitution to the victim
自首,並寄望法庭憐憫你 Confess, throwing yourself on the mercy of the court
把與你有關的證據藏起來,必要時撒謊 Hide your involvement, lying if you have to
嫁禍於人 Try to pin the crime on another
如果你有罪,你會自首嗎? If guilty, would you confess to a crime?
會的,因為那是我的責任 Yes, because it is my duty to do so
會的,因為我可能可以因此減刑 Yes, because it might get me a lighter sentence
不會,讓有司證明我有罪吧 No, I'd make the magistrates prove my guilt
不會,而且我會嘗試「證明」我的清白 No, and I'd try to "prove" my innocence
如果被刑罰相逼,你還會表達激進的政治意見嗎? Would you express a revolutionary political opinion if threatened with punishment?
會的,我寧可受刑也不會沉默。為革命奮起吧! Yes, I'd rather be punished than remain silent. Up the revolution!
會的,總得有人說實話啊 Yes. Somebody's got to speak the truth
不會了,但我可能會私底下跟朋友講 No, although I might privately express my opinion to friends
不會了,犯不著為了政治而受苦 No, politics aren't worth getting worked up about
你在旅行時目睹了一場暴行。你被要求留下來作證,但這會嚴重耽誤到你的行程,你會? While traveling, you witness an assault. You are ordered to testify, which will delay your travel significantly. Do you:
趁晚上溜出城鎮並迴避作證 Slip out of town at night to avoid testifying
說你什麼都沒看到 Deny you saw anything
不情願地留下、作證,然後離開 Remain reluctantly, testify, and leave
留下直到到結案以免需要近一步的證詞 Remain until the trial's conclusion in case further testimony is needed
對商業以及經濟的看法 Thoughts on Business and the Economy
如何最佳地運用財富? What is the best use of wealth?
幫助困苦與不幸的人 To help the destitute and less fortunate
提供給有需要的親朋好友 Provide for the needs of friends and family
將自己維持在權勢的頂峰 To stay on top of the heap yourself
不只要把自己維持在權勢的頂峰,還要讓別人爬不上來 To not only stay on top, but keep others from climbing to your level
遇到乞丐的話,你會? When confronted by beggars, do you:
慷慨地施捨 Give generously
普通地施捨 Give moderately
就施捨我不在意的那一點--頂多一兩個銅板吧 Give only what I wouldn't miss anyway -- a copper or two at most
無視他們並走過去 Ignore them as you walk by
藉由魔法,你可以愚弄村里的商人讓他們以為你的銅板是金幣,你會? By using magic, you could fool village merchants into thinking your copper pieces were made of gold. Do you?
我會幹下去,而且我會大撈特撈 Yes, and I'll buy as much as I can
我會幹下去,但我只詐欺那些有錢的商人 Yes, but I'll only cheat the rich merchants
不會幹下去,太冒險了 No, it's too risky
不會幹下去,那些商人也是要養家活口的 No, those merchants have families to feed
你有兩個工作機會,其中一個待遇較高,但另一個較穩定且安全。你會選擇哪個? You have two job offers. One pays more, but the other is secure and steady. Which do you choose?
當然是最賺的那個工作,穩定的工作聽起來就很無聊 Definitely the lucrative job; steady work sounds like drudgery
大概是比較賺的工作,但我還是會查看看安全的工作 Probably the lucrative job, although I'd look into the secure job
安全的工作,除非另一個工作賺的真是多太多了 The secure job, unless the other job was outrageously lucrative
當然是穩定的工作,我要為長期打算 Definitely the secure job, because I plan for the long term
致富的最佳途徑是? What's the best path to wealth?
最重要的是運氣和在正確的時機處於正確的位置 It's a matter of luck and being in the right place at the right time
保持彈性,這樣機會來的時候你才能抓 Staying flexible so you can take advantage of good opportunities
循著一套低風險的長期計畫 Following a long-term plan that incorporates a comfortable level of risk
勤奮地工作和存錢 Hard work and perseverance
如果你接下了一份工作或契約,你是否會在它越來越危險的狀況下仍試著完成它? If you accepted a job or contract, would you try to finish the task even if it got much more dangerous?
當然,一言既出駟馬難追 Yes, my word is my bond
當然,因為可靠性可以建立好名聲 Yes, because it's good to have a reputation for dependability
我當然會重新商議 You can bet I'd be renegotiating
如果這筆買賣已經不合算了,那這筆買賣就吹了 If it's no longer a good deal, then the deal is off